Saturday, April 7, 2012
The 7 Laws Of Money
Dt. 8:18 says “But thou shall remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth”
In the Amplified Bible this verse says, “God gives you power to become rich”. In the New Living Bible it says, “God gives us the power to become successful”. In each translation it is clear that God’s desire is for His children to have wealth, riches, and success. The word power in this verse means three things:
#1-Strategies-the science of directing certain actions.
#2-Ideas-mental conception, a belief, or a scheme.
#3-Plans-written directions for a project.
Once we accept the fact that God wants to make us wealthy, rich, and successful, then God can begin to give us strategies, ideas, and plans to bring this to pass.
In the book of II Kings 4:1-7 there is a story of a widow. Her husband, who was a Godly man in the ministry, died. He left her with two sons and a large debt. They were coming to take her sons and make them slaves to pay off her debt. Her heart is breaking, she’s at the end of her rope, the burden of debt has her so stressed she don’t know what to do. She is about to lose her home and end up on the street. So she goes to the prophet of God and asked him what she should do. He gave her a strategy, an idea, and a plan. When she did what the prophet told her to do, she had enough money to pay off her debt, and enough money for she and her sons to live on for the rest of their lives. This is a true story. It is only when we embrace the truth, that God can bring supernatural debt cancellation, and supernatural money. So we can begin to move you from lack, want, and need, to abundance.
This story tells us God can make a way where there is no way. It also lets us know when we are down to nothing God is up to something. Her setback was a setup for a breakthrough. The difference in this woman and so many today is she didn’t give up. When a problem comes we can give up or get up, we can cope or conquer. Everybody has a crisis at some point in their life, the one who makes it through those times is the one that keeps their faith in God and His word. You cannot allow the difficulties you may walk through to move you from faith to fear. It is faith in God that moves mountains.
The power to get wealth is determined by our understanding of the “7 Laws Of Money”. We know the importance of laws. Suppose there were no speed limit laws and everyone drove as fast as they wanted. Can you imagine how many accidents and deaths would occur? What is there were no laws to protect society and everyone carried guns, and if someone looked at you wrong you could just shoot them? Although we’ve all felt like speeding and killing people, it’s the laws that keep us in check. Because we understand that you cannot break laws without consequences. The same is true when it comes to the laws of money.
If you live in the world you realize very early in life that money is essential. It is the medium of exchange. No matter how much you pray, you still need money. Regardless of how much you go to church, live right, and love God you still need money.
In dealing with certain Christians I find many don’t think about money. They have been led to believe that money is evil. They want just enough to pay their bills. Erroneous teaching, by well meaning people, has caused many to believe rich people go to hell while poor people go to heaven. I’ve heard people say I’m afraid if I had money, then I might not be able to serve God. Others quote Matt. 6:25 where Jesus said, “take no thought what you shall eat or what you should wear”. What he is saying is don’t worry about these things. The only people I know that are not worried about food, shelter, and clothing are rich people. It’s the number one thing on a poor person’s mind.
Now why is it important that we understand the law of necessity? Because until we recognize the importance of money, and make it a priority then we remain at the same level financially.
At the beginning of each year we set financial goals. We have our lowest goal, our middle goal, and our unbelievable goal. We have never failed to fall somewhere in between these goals. We have never gone below our lowest goal, and we have met our unbelievable goal a few times. These goals keep us on track and allow us to chart our progress. For example: if our goal is $120,000 per year. Then we need $10,000 per month. I can remember when our ministry was just beginning; we needed $60,000 per year to meet all the needs. That seemed like a mountain that was too high to climb. But we set our goal, wrote it down, prayed over it, and worked hard to manage the money that came in, and we met that goal the first year we set the goal. Over the years as we have reached out farther the need has increased but God always helps us to meet the needs. Our missionaries and ministers we support each month never have to worry about their check being there each month. Because we have made money a priority because we realize it translates into being able to help hurting people.
Each piece of money is given a certain denomination and a certain buying power. I found it interesting when I was reading about money, that there are more $100 dollar bills in circulation than $1 dollar bills. But a lot of people have more ones in their wallet than have hundreds…smile!
Since I was the eighth of nine children born to a factory worker, my father made us aware of the value of money. He taught me, my brothers and my sisters that you appreciate what you work hard to earn. We all had jobs in our teenage years. I had paper routes. I delivered groceries on a bicycle. I cut grass. Whatever it took to earn money. My mom took in laundry for other people. She would stand and iron for hours in a house with no air conditioning to help dad put food on the table. Dad also taught us that you pay your bills. None of my siblings or me have ever had to declare bankruptcy, or left a delinquent debt.
When I became an adult I taught these same values to my children. They now understand why daddy always checked the thermostat, why he always bought good things, but bought them when they were on sale. They too are successful men who hopefully will teach the value of money to their children.
One thing I see today that hinders people from understanding the value of money is the way business is conducted. Credit cards and checks don’t have the same impact on spending, as taking money from your pocket.
It’s easier to make a credit card purchase for $500.00 than it is to count this money out and lay it on the counter. I know credit cards and checks are a necessary evil in this society, but I believe they cloud the mind when it comes to the value of money.
It’s easy to see as we consider global influence that money has power. If you notice, no wars are being fought against poor countries. No one is suing homeless people in a court of law. Money has power or influence. It can do well or it can do evil depending on who controls the money. This being said, if I was God I would want my children to control the money on earth so they could feed the poor, clothe the naked, and preach the gospel.
With power of any type there must come responsibility.
You do not give a shotgun to an infant. You don’t allow children to play with dynamite. In order to be trusted with power one must be mature. This may be one of the reasons God does not trust certain people with riches. God knows the power of money. He knows it dictates laws. It can manipulate justice. But it can also be used to establish God’s Kingdom on the earth and fulfill His covenant with mankind. When we mature God can trust us with more money.
Before I entered the ministry full time I worked several jobs as well as owned my own business. Just like a large percentage of America I worked and on Friday I received a check. My job was the means of supplying the money I needed to care for my family. It was when I started living by faith that I realized, the job was my supply, but God was my source. It was God that gave me the skill, health, and ability to do my job.
Once you begin to recognize God as your source your thinking begins to change. Because your job may provide you with enough, but God can provide with more than enough. I have known several people through the years that worked on a job with a good income. But as they began to realize that God was their source they began to believe they could do better. I have known some who now own the businesses where they were once employed. One man I prayed for years ago who was your average worker, sold one of his businesses last February for twelve million dollars. This was only one of his businesses. He accepted the fact that God was his source and he began to make big plans.
God never rewards laziness. This is taught several places in scripture. So just because God is our source does not mean we can just sit around and say, well God knows what I have need of, so I’ll just wait on him to meet the need. Sometimes we have to create avenues of revenue. Use the power of strategies, ideas, and plans to produce wealth. I’ve always been amazed at how people from poor countries come to America and within a short period of time they own the businesses and the people who were born here work for them.
Prov. 11:24 It is possible to give away and become richer! It is also possible to hold on too tightly and lose everything. (LB)
To the natural mind this law does not make sense. Human nature tells us to hold on to what we have. The bible teaches us to give away what is in our control.
Successful men in the business world understand that you must take risk in order to succeed. They sometimes understand the law of release more so than people in the church. I remember reading about Ted Turner and what it took for him to launch the first 24 hour news channel, CNN. Several of his business associates told him it was a mistake. In order to do it he had to risk all the money he had earned up to this time in his life. Ted Turner believed it was better to live without money than to die with a dream inside you. The world has him to thank for giving us on the spot and up to the minute news.
One thing that makes us like Jesus is giving. Regardless of how much or how little money we possess He must have access to it. Giving must be a lifestyle we embrace. In order to do this we must recognize that nothing we have belongs to us, we are just stewards.
The money we give is a seed we sow. God established the entire universe on the principle of sowing and reaping.
On the third day of creation He created the seed. (Gen.1:11) Then he planted the seed and caused the earth to bring forth a garden (Gen.2:8). God did not create the Garden Of Eden where He placed man, he instead planted the seed he created, and the seed brought forth the garden. And in that garden was everything that man needed or wanted. God also said, “from the beginning of time until the end of time, there will be seedtime and harvest”. (Gen. 8:22) So if we don’t like the harvest we now have, we must plant different seeds. This is how you activate the law of release.
This law simply lets you know that what you release will increase or multiply.
II Cor. 9:6 But remember this--if you give little, you will get little. A farmer who plants just a few seeds will get only a small crop, but if he plants much, he will reap much.
Through the years I’ve heard people in church say, “I don’t give to get”. This sounds religious, but it is wrong.
It was God who established the principle of sowing and reaping as a means of increase. If you had a farmer with this mindset you would take him and put him in a home.
What if a farmer went out and plowed the fields, planted the seed, and then just went in the house and said, “I didn’t plant that crop because I was expecting a harvest”.
To me that would be insane. And I think the same thing is true when it comes to sowing money into the work of God.
I believe God multiplies that which is sown. As a matter of fact I know He does. I have been a giver for many years. I live the giving lifestyle. I look for places to give. I look for ways to give more. And yes, when I give I expect a harvest. I don’t do this because I am greedy. I do this because I am a giver. I know when my harvest comes I will be able to give more. I live to give.
When it comes to anointing, I understand it to be supernatural ability that is granted by God. Some are anointed to preach and teach. Others are anointed to pray for the sick and have great miracles. Some are anointed to be evangelist and get people saved. Then there are those whom God anoints to break the spirit of poverty and to release wealth.
About ten years ago, God anointed me to break the spirit of debt, and to release increase into people’s lives.
I was in California, when this happened. It happened one night after I sung on a telethon for the TBN network. Since that night I have raised the money and paid off 57 church mortgages. I have helped raise millions for Christian television around the world. I’ve raised money for pastors, evangelist, and missionaries. As their gifts have passed through my hands God has released special blessings upon their lives. If you asked me why God chose me, I would have to say it’s because I have a great burden to see people walk in financial freedom. I also have a hatred for debt. I believe debt robs people of their future by satisfying the needs of the present. I would never condemn anyone for using debt. But I know that by the anointing of God you can be free from debt. I also know that by the anointing you can live in abundance and always be able to do everything God asks you to do for Him.
Recently a man walked up to me and told me a very sad story. This was a hardworking godly man. He handed me a check for $1,000 and told me he wanted to help me in the ministry. He went on to tell me the check was not good at the time. He told me how an inheritance from his family’s estate had been held back from him for over seven years.
He asked me to pray that the check he gave me would be good, and that his inheritance would be released. I prayed, and within 24 hours God released this man’s inheritance.
This was a bold step of faith by this man. But faith always causes a release of the anointing. I challenge you to change your financial situation by using these 7 laws.